Een muntplantje of basilicumplantje wordt in de keuken dikwijls gebruikt, maar er zijn ook plantensoorten die helaas nog vaak vergeten worden. Daarom vertellen we je in dit artikel alles over pandan; van bladeren tot extract. Ook delen we welke recepten je met de pandan plant kunt maken.

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Butterfly-pea flower

Alternative namesButterfly-pea leaf teaTypeHerbal teaCourseDrinkRegion or stateSouth East AsiaCooking

Derived from a plant that is common to most South East Asian countries, butterfly pea flower tea has been brewed for centuries but only recently been introduced to tea drinkers outside the indigenous area. Butterfly pea flower tea gains its distinctive tint from the deep blue color of the petals that has made the plant a popular dye for centuries. One of the aspects of the tea is the fact that the liquid changes color based on the pH level of the substance added to it, for instance, adding lemon juice to the tea will turn it purple.